Laravel Twilio


Installation & Setup

To install this package, run the following Composer command:

composer require babdev/laravel-twilio

Register The Package

If your application is not using package discovery, you will need to add the service provider to your config/app.php file.

return [
    'providers' => [

To use the facade, you will also need to register it in your config/app.php file.

return [
    'aliases' => [
        'TwilioClient' => BabDev\Twilio\Facades\TwilioClient::class,

Publish Resources

If you need to customize the package configuration, you can publish it to your application's config directory with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BabDev\Twilio\Providers\TwilioProvider" --tag="config"


Setting Environment Variables

The below environment variables should be set in your application's .env file:

  • TWILIO_CONNECTION - The name of the default Twilio API connection for your application; if using a single connection this does not need to be changed
  • TWILIO_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_CONNECTION - If using Laravel's notifications system, the name of a Twilio API connection to use in the notification channel (defaulting to your default connection); if using a single connection this does not need to be changed
  • TWILIO_API_SID - The Twilio API SID to use for the default Twilio API connection
  • TWILIO_API_AUTH_TOKEN - The Twilio API authentication token to use for the default Twilio API connection
  • TWILIO_API_FROM_NUMBER - The default sending phone number to use for the default Twilio API connection, note the sending phone number can be changed on a per-message basis