

Version Not Yet Released

You are viewing the documentation for the 1.x branch of the WebSocketBundle package which has not yet been released. Be aware that the API for this version may change before release.

Periodic Manager

The BabDev\WebSocketBundle\PeriodicManager\PeriodicManager interface represents a class which is used to dynamically manage periodic functions.

Periodic managers are initialized during the BabDev\WebSocketBundle\Event\BeforeRunServer event and the manager is responsible for registering its actions to the event loop.

Required Methods


A manager must provide a unique name, these names are used in conjunction with the BabDev\WebSocketBundle\PeriodicManager\PeriodicManagerRegistry


The register() method is used to initialize the periodic manager using the provided event loop.


The cancelTimers() method is called during the BabDev\WebSocketBundle\Event\AfterServerClosed event and allows for graceful shutdown of periodic functions owned by the manager.

Example Manager

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\WebSocket\PeriodicManager;

use BabDev\WebSocketBundle\PeriodicManager\PeriodicManager;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

final class EchoPeriodicManager implements PeriodicManager, LoggerAwareInterface
    use LoggerAwareTrait;

    private ?LoopInterface $loop = null;

    public function getName(): string
        return 'echo'

    public function register(LoopInterface $loop): void
        $this->loop = $loop;

        // Wrap the entire loop in try/catch to prevent fatal errors crashing the websocket server
        try {
            // Register the timer to run every 15 seconds
                static function (): void {
                    echo 'This is a demo';
        } catch (\Throwable $exception) {
                'Uncaught Throwable in the echo manager.',
                    'exception' => $exception,

    public function cancelTimers(): void
        // Nothing required for this manager