

Version No Longer Supported

You are viewing the documentation for the 2.x branch of the Pagerfanta package which reached is no longer supported as of March 31, 2022. You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to a supported version.


Pagerfanta defines Pagerfanta\View\ViewInterface which is the abstraction layer for rendering a pagination list.

The interface requires two methods to be implemented:

  • render: Generates the markup for the pagination list
  • getName: Retrieves the unique name of the view

namespace Pagerfanta\View;

use Pagerfanta\PagerfantaInterface;

interface ViewInterface
     * Renders a Pagerfanta instance.
     * The route generator can be any callable to generate the routes receiving the page number as first and unique argument.
     * @param PagerfantaInterface $pagerfanta
     * @param callable            $routeGenerator
     * @param array               $options
    public function render(PagerfantaInterface $pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, array $options = []);

     * Returns the canonical name.
     * @return string
    public function getName();

Base Classes

Pagerfanta provides two base classes to build upon to assist in creating custom views.


The View class is the base class that is recommended for use. It contains all of the logic necessary for calculating the page items to be displayed in the pagination list.


The TemplateView class is an extension of the View class and provides support for rendering pagination lists using Pagerfanta\View\Template\TemplateInterface instances.

Available Views

Below is a list of the views that are available with this package, and the corresponding template class.

View Name View Class Name Template Class Name
default Pagerfanta\View\DefaultView Pagerfanta\View\Template\DefaultTemplate
semantic_ui Pagerfanta\View\SemanticUiView Pagerfanta\View\Template\SemanticUiTemplate
twitter_bootstrap Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrapView Pagerfanta\View\Template\TwitterBootstrapTemplate
twitter_bootstrap3 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap3View Pagerfanta\View\Template\TwitterBootstrap3Template
twitter_bootstrap4 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap4View Pagerfanta\View\Template\TwitterBootstrap4Template
twitter_bootstrap5 Pagerfanta\View\TwitterBootstrap5View Pagerfanta\View\Template\TwitterBootstrap5Template

Twig View

This feature was introduced in Pagerfanta 2.4.

Pagerfanta includes native support for the Twig templating engine and allows integrators to build flexible templates for rendering their pagers.

Twig templates are available for all CSS frameworks which have a corresponding Pagerfanta\View\Template\TemplateInterface implementation.

In order to use the Twig integration, you will need to register the Twig extension, a runtime loader to resolve the runtime service, and the Pagerfanta template path to your Twig environment.


use Pagerfanta\Twig\Extension\PagerfantaExtension;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
use Twig\RuntimeLoader\ContainerRuntimeLoader;

 * We'll use Reflection to dynamically resolve the path to the templates provided by the package.
 * This method will work regardless of whether the monolithic `pagerfanta/pagerfanta` package
 * or the `pagerfanta/twig` package is installed.
$refl = new \ReflectionClass(PagerfantaExtension::class);
$path = \dirname($refl->getFileName(), 2) . '/templates';

$loader = new FilesystemLoader(['/path/to/app/templates']);

// The namespace *MUST* be "Pagerfanta" otherwise the templates will not work correctly
$loader->addPath($path, 'Pagerfanta');

$environment = new Environment($loader);

 * Add the runtime loader so the runtime serivce can be lazy loaded.
 * If using the PSR-11 runtime loader, the runtime service must
 * be registered to the container using its FQCN as its service ID,
 * i.e. `Pagerfanta\Twig\Extension\PagerfantaRuntime`
/** @var Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */
$environment->addRuntimeLoader(new ContainerRuntimeLoader($container));

// Add the extension
$environment->addExtension(new PagerfantaExtension());

Reusable View Configurations

Sometimes you want to reuse options for a view in your project and you don't want to repeat those options each time you render a view, or you have different configurations for a view and you want to save those configurations to be able to change them easily.

For this you can define views with the Pagerfanta\View\OptionableView class, which is a decorator for any Pagerfanta\View\ViewInterface instance.


use Pagerfanta\View\DefaultView;
use Pagerfanta\View\OptionableView;

$defaultView = new DefaultView();

$myView1 = new OptionableView($defaultView, ['proximity' => 5]);
$myView2 = new OptionableView($defaultView, ['proximity' => 2, 'prev_message' => 'Anterior', 'next_message' => 'Siguiente']);

$myView1->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator);

// Overwriting the optionable view options
$myView2->render($pagerfanta, $routeGenerator, ['next_message' => 'Siguiente!!']);