


In its basic use, you will set up an adapter which contains the data to be paginated, instantiate a new Pagerfanta instance, configure your pagination data (current page, number of items per page, etc.) and render the result.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$adapter = new ArrayAdapter([]);
$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta($adapter);

// By default, this will return up to 10 items for the first page of results
$currentPageResults = $pagerfanta->getCurrentPageResults();

When configuring the Pagerfanta instance, you must set the maximum number of items per page before setting the current page. This is required due to the internal validation made by the Pagerfanta class to prevent invalid pagination state as the allowed current page is based on the number of items in the pagination list (provided by the adapter) and the maximum number of items per page. To simplify this part of setting the configuration, a static constructor is provided that will perform these steps in the right order.

The static constructor was introduced in Pagerfanta 3.4.

use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$adapter = new NullAdapter(100);
$pagerfanta = Pagerfanta::createForCurrentPageWithMaxPerPage($adapter, 2, 5);

// This will the return 5 items from the second page of the paginated list
$currentPageResults = $pagerfanta->getCurrentPageResults();

Managing The Items Per Page

You can set the number of items that should be shown on a page using the setMaxPerPage method on the Pagerfanta instance, and get the current value using the getMaxPerPage method.

You should set this before fetching the current page results otherwise you will get the default data (10 items for the first page).

The setMaxPerPage method will throw a Pagerfanta\Exception\LessThan1MaxPerPageException if you attempt to set this to zero or a negative number.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(10));

$pagerfanta->getMaxPerPage(); // Will return 3

Managing The Current Page

You can set the current page for the list using the setCurrentPage method on the Pagerfanta instance, and get the current value using the getCurrentPage method.

You should set this before fetching the current page results otherwise you will get the default data (10 items for the first page). Typically, you will set this based on information from the request (i.e. a page GET parameter).

The setCurrentPage method will throw a Pagerfanta\Exception\LessThan1CurrentPageException if you attempt to set this to zero or a negative number, or a Pagerfanta\Exception\OutOfRangeCurrentPageException if you attempt to set this to a page number that is outside the allowed value (calculated based on the number of items in the list and the number of items to be shown per page).


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->getCurrentPage(); // Will return 3

Determining If Pagination Is Necessary

You can check if the list needs to be paginated using the haveToPaginate method on the Pagerfanta instance.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->haveToPaginate(); // Will return true since there are more items than the max per page

$pagerfanta->haveToPaginate(); // Will return false since there are less items than the max per page

Get Number Of Pages In List

You can get the number of pages for your list using the getNbPages method on the Pagerfanta instance.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->getNbPages(); // Will return 3

$pagerfanta->getNbPages(); // Will return 1

Set and Reset Maximum Number Of Pages In List

You can set the maximum number of pages for your list using the setMaxNbPages method on the Pagerfanta instance.

You can reset the maximum number of pages to the number of pages determined by the pagination settings using the resetMaxNbPages method on the Pagerfanta instance.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->getNbPages(); // Will return 2

$pagerfanta->getNbPages(); // Will return 3 since the configured max is less than the number of pages

$pagerfanta->getNbPages(); // Will return 3 since there is no configured max

Previous/Next Page Helpers

You can check if the list has a previous or next page using the hasPreviousPage and hasNextMethods methods respectively on the Pagerfanta instance.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->hasPreviousPage(); // Will return false
$pagerfanta->hasNextPage(); // Will return true

You can get the previous and next page numbers using the getPreviousPage and getNextMethods methods respectively on the Pagerfanta instance.

A Pagerfanta\Exception\LogicException will be thrown if there is not a page in the requested direction


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

if ($pagerfanta->hasPreviousPage()) {
    $pagerfanta->getPreviousPage(); // Will not be executed

if ($pagerfanta->hasNextPage()) {
    $pagerfanta->getNextPage(); // Will return 2

Retrieving The Adapter

If needed, you can retrieve the underlying adapter using the getAdapter method on the Pagerfanta instance.


use Pagerfanta\Adapter\NullAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;

$pagerfanta = new Pagerfanta(new NullAdapter(30));

$pagerfanta->getAdapter(); // Will return the NullAdapter instance given