

Version No Longer Supported

You are viewing the documentation for the 2.x branch of the PagerfantaBundle package which reached is no longer supported as of December 31, 2021. You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to a supported version.

Default Configuration

    # The default Pagerfanta view to use in your application
    default_view: default

    # The default Twig template to use when using the Twig Pagerfanta view
    default_twig_template: '@BabDevPagerfanta/default.html.twig'

        # The exception strategy if requesting a page outside the available pages in a paginated list; valid options are "custom" or "to_http_not_found"
        out_of_range_page: to_http_not_found

        # The exception strategy if the current page is not an allowed value in a paginated list; valid options are "custom" or "to_http_not_found"
        not_valid_current_page: to_http_not_found