Sylius Shipping Estimate Plugin


Version Not Yet Released

You are viewing the documentation for the 1.x branch of the Sylius Shipping Estimate Plugin package which has not yet been released. Be aware that the API for this version may change before release.

Hooking the Estimator

When a user submits the form to request a shipping estimate, the controller will dispatch an event that allows developers to manipulate the address that will be used for the estimate or cancel the request.

The BabDev\SyliusShippingEstimatePlugin\Event\BeforeEstimateShippingEvent event is dispatched, which contains the current cart and the address data from the estimate form.


Adding Data To The Address

A dynamic shipping calculator may require more data than just the country and postal code, so an event listener may be used to add extra data to the address.


namespace App\EventListener;

use App\Service\ShippingApisService;
use BabDev\SyliusShippingEstimatePlugin\Event\BeforeEstimateShippingEvent;

final class AddProvinceToShippingEstimateAddressListener
    private ShippingApisService $shippingApisService;

    public function __construct(ShippingApisService $shippingApisService)
        $this->shippingApisService = $shippingApisService;

    public function __invoke(BeforeEstimateShippingEvent $event): void
        // Only applies to US customers
        if ($event->getAddress()->getCountryCode() !== 'US') {

        // Uses the API to get the state for the given postal code, stripping off the 4-digit suffix
        $state = $this->shippingApisService->getState(substr(trim($event->getAddress()->getPostcode()), 0, 5));

        $event->getAddress()->setProvinceCode('US-' . $state);

Cancelling The Request

A shipping estimate can be cancelled by calling the plugin's cancelEstimate method, providing a reason for the cancellation. Note, the reason will be displayed on the site frontend with the default JavaScript integration.


namespace App\EventListener;

use BabDev\SyliusShippingEstimatePlugin\Event\BeforeEstimateShippingEvent;

final class CancelShippingEstimatesForUnitedStatesCustomersListener
    public function __invoke(BeforeEstimateShippingEvent $event): void
        // Only applies to US customers
        if ($event->getAddress()->getCountryCode() !== 'US') {

        $event->cancelEstimate('Sorry, we do not provide shipping estimates for US customers.');